
Showing posts from March, 2013

How religious is the bunny?

I know about Good Friday being the day of Jesus being crucified.  I also know Easter being the day He has risen.  However, is Easter truly a holiday?  I ask because of recently reading a shared status of what paganism and Easter have in common.  It made me think (which as people know, can be dangerous)  In the interest of full disclosure, most know I am a Sunday School teacher with the United Methodist Church.  I am also a cub scout leader with the Methodist church being our charter organization. On to our thought provoking blog (hopefully) It seems to be universally recognized that Jesus of Nazareth was born on December 25.  Born from a virgin, a teacher, and ordered to death by Pontius Pilate.  However, upon reading more, that may be a little off also.  Apparently the western civilized christian celebrated on 12/15 and the eastern christian felt Jan 6 was the birthday.  Irregardless of the date, it eventually was immortalized as 12/25.  Our culture today, secular and non secular r

I refuse...

The old me would have taken down my words.  Afraid of offending someone or causing everlasting issues.  Again, that was the old me.  The old me .... sounds weird saying that.  That old me was ripped apart, changed 13 months ago.  Right now, I say, I am NOT SORRY for what I said before.  Those were my feelings.  I was and am hurt over what happened.  This blog is a way for me to release my feelings so they don't take me over and eat me up inside.  If what I say before hurts feelings or bothers, than maybe self reflection is in order.  The hardest critic is always the one in the mirror.  If I've made you think or contemplate the other side of the coin, then I thank you letting me do that.  Yes I know some of these posts are hard to stomach.  Some are raw, some are nonsensical.  Again, refer to the title of the blog. Sometimes, I have a hard time saying how I feel.  Worried how it comes out.  I have more pain and anger in me that I had before.  I am trying to deal with it.  I ca

Grudges *warning raw emotion and anger*

For the most part, I don't hold them.  Not worth the time or effort.  Doesn't mean I forget, just not worth the space in my head.  Over the last year, I tried to contact old acquaintances from high school.  I won't say friends because truthfully, I don't have any friends from high school.  I tried to mend fences of those I've crossed in life.  I looked at my past, current, and future.  I looked back at the last 13 1/2 months.  I go back to that one singular week that forever changed my life.  And I hold 1 grudge.  1 major grudge. When M-Jay passed, there was an outpouring of support.  More people than I could ever think of reached out, to try to help, to send condolences or just to lend a shoulder to lean on.  People I barely knew.  People I knew years ago.   People I recently met.  However, there were 3 that didn't reach out at all.  Sam.  One of the bridges I burned at the behest of someone.  While we were never particularly close, still had the cordial hi