What is...

What is hope?

Hope is expecting the best possible outcome.

What is faith?

Faith is knowing whatever happens is meant to be.

What is love?

Doing everything you can to make sure someone else is happy because that makes you happy.  Love almost seems like sacrifice.  And in a way, they are one and the same.  

Love can also be, no matter how selfish you are,  humbling.   Putting someone else's needs above yours.   Whether a partner or your kids.

Sometimes love is letting go of a toxic situation.  Because you love the idea of something so much and pour years of yourself into an ideal that could never be.

Love can be taking your fears,  troubles, insecurities, and stress and hiding it away just so someone can deal with theirs.  You do that hoping and having faith that when it's said and done, they find their way back to you.  Knowing while it's hard on you, it's harder on them.

In the end, all 3 are intertwined.  And with all 3, definitions can vary person to person.  You have to look deep inside, inside your heart of hearts to know the answer.

To Kameron, Taylor, Colt, my angel and my princess, know I love you even when I don't see you.   Always on my mind.  Always in my heart.  ❤


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